Fiona McMahon

Fiona McMahon is a fully Certified Mindfulness MBSR and MBA Teacher, member of the training and support team and a licensed affiliate offering the Mindful Academy International accredited Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR Teacher Training courses, Retreats and Continued Professional Development CPD 8-week MBSR Courses.

She has BA psychology, MA Education, Post Graduate Diploma in Occupational Psychology and is a Certified Mediator. She now works as an Independent Training and design consultant for the European Commission in Brussels and runs 8-week MBSR courses and Mindfulness Retreats.

Fiona has been working in the area of psychological wellness and personal development since the 1980s. She has designed and supported the implementation of policies promoting Respect and Dignity at work for many European Institutions.

She supervises teams of counselors across Europe who support colleagues in distress at work. She has also designed programs on Building Effective Relationships, Leadership skills, Building Emotional Resilience, Mediation, Conflict Resolution, Stress Reduction, and Emotional Intelligence. She also worked for the United Business institutes Brussels as a Lecturer in Leadership and on modules for the MBA course.

Fiona opened Cabragh Lodge, Coolaney in 2018. Situated in the North West of Ireland in the Ox Mountains, the remote and scenic location is perfect for reconnecting with yourself though Mindfulness, Meditation, Self-Compassion, and Stillness.

This beautiful purpose-built Centre is perfectly appointed for day and evening workshops, classes, and for longer residential retreats. It is also the home of the Mindful Academy International MBSR and MBA intensive residential Teacher Training courses.

For more details please visit

Telephone 00 353 (0) 857123484