About Kathy Ward
Kathy Ward has been practicing mindfulness for over 40 years. Since 2007 she has supported people to live well using her skills as a Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Coach, Motivational Therapist, and Mindfulness Teacher.
In 2010 she founded Mindful Academy International and has trained over 600 International Mindfulness-Based Teachers and Theraputic Yoga Teachers from 41 countries. The school was registered with the Yoga Alliance in both the UK and the USA and achieved professional accreditation as a Provider of Training Excellence and CPD provider with the globally recognized CPD Standards Office.
She is a Senior International Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) & Mindfulness-Based Approaches (MBA) Trainer, and Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice Bangor University (CMRP) trained Mindfulness-Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC) Assessor, Supervisor, Supravisor, Teacher, and MBCT Cancer teacher.
In 2019 she was asked to present at TEDx Cluj and spoke to over 2000 people on how Mindfulness and Kindness are the keys to Increasing Happiness. You can watch the recording HERE
As well as running the accredited trauma-sensitive Mindfulness Teacher Training courses between 2010 and 2023, ongoing Silent retreats, 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR/Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy MBCT ca courses for groups/individuals, and CPD events, she works as a Mindfulness Consultant and Mindfulness-Based Mental Agility course developer for the World Health Organisation.
She also worked as a volunteer chairperson for the Mindfulness Network Community Friends (the charity wing of the UK Mindfulness Network) and ran an International Supporting Integrity in Teaching and Training SiTT Group for mindfulness teachers before stepping back to focus on self-care.
Kathy studied Mindfulness at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, School of Psychology, CMRP Bangor University training with Eluned Gold, Sarah Silverton, Jody Mardula, Trish Bartley, Rebecca Crane, and Sophie Samson.
She is a member of the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches, BAMBA, and meets the requirements of the Good Practice Guidelines for Trainers of Mindfulness-based Teachers and as a Mindfulness-based Supervisor and Teacher.
Kathy has diplomas in Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT, Motivational Therapist, and Coach with Motivational Training in Scotland.
She is also a Senior Hatha and Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer previously accredited by the Yoga Alliance in the USA, and a certified Yoga Therapist, training extensively with Intergrative Yoga Therapy in both the USA and Brazil.
In total, Kathy has over 40 years and many thousands of hours of experience in writing, developing, and delivering training packages, workshops, and conferences, supervising and coaching both live and online, and in-depth training in Mind-Body therapies specializing in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction MBSR, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy MBCT, teaching Mindfulness-based Approaches MBA in different contexts and bespoke MBP courses for corporate companies.
Since retiring from training teachers at the end of 2023, Kathy has continued supporting others, including offering ongoing supervision, 1-1 mindfulness-based MBSR and MBCT courses, Mindful coaching (see MBSR and MBCT pages) and ongoing work with the WHO. She is also available to support companies with Mental Health in the Workplace.
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