Travel to the Cabragh Lodge

For Travel to Cabragh Lodge The nearest airport is Knock. There are direct flights with low-cost operators from many UK airports and some European ones.

For arrival by Bus from Dublin Airport to Coolooney you need to catch Route 23. The stop nearest to us is Coolooney.

Arrival by Train from Dublin airport via Dublin Connelly Train Station to Coolooney.

Arrival by car/hire car enter the postcode F56V220 in Goggle Maps and you’ll find us.

Cabragh Lodge, Coolaney is situated in the North West of Ireland in the Ox Mountains. The remote and scenic location is perfect for reconnecting with yourself through Mindfulness, Meditation, Self-Compassion, and Stillness.

The beautiful purpose-built Centre is perfectly appointed for day and evening workshops, classes, and for longer residential retreats. If you are a Teacher looking for a place to run your own events, then I highly recommend that you contact Fiona McMahon, you and your participants will not be disappointed!

CLICK HERE to contact us and book your space! 

Or visit the Cabragh Lodge webpage HERE